After our huge Deck Builder Update that brought custom decks to Last Days of Old Earth, and hot on the heels of the introduction of facilities and subterfuge with the Stealth Update, comes the opportunity to dominate the skies, in the form of the Air Update.
The Air Update adds three new gameplay mechanics;
Air Recon - send out your aircraft to scout ahead of your position and investigate unexplored areas of the map, quickly revealing your opponent's plans.
Airstrike - Strike at the heart of your opponent's forces from the air, softening up their armies and minimising the risk to your own Units.
Anti-Air - With the war now raging in the skies, you'll need this ability to fortify your defences and keep enemy aircraft at bay.
As well as four new Aircraft Units and two new Facilities;
Huracan Aircrawler – Multi-purpose aircraft, equally useful for long range reconnaissance and Airstrikes.
Oryon Airship – Though its range is short, this bomber hits hard against enemy combatants.
Gunnery Platform – allows Skywatcher Infantry Units within the structure containing it the ability to perform Anti-Air against any aircraft foolish enough to get close to it.