Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics is a tactical, squad-based strategy game set against the backdrop of World War Two, as a band of Allied heroes fight The Secret War against two rival Nazi factions. These detestable syndicates are obsessed with the occult, and are backed by otherworldly horrors from the Cthulhu Mythos.
Based on the wildly successful tabletop RPG from Modiphius Entertainment, and published by the fantastic Ripstone Games.
What people are saying about the game
Tactical comfort food. - Rock Paper Shotgun
...Achtung! really is an appealing little game. The aesthetic is spot on, and the sense of escalation is brilliant. - Digitally Downloaded
An engaging spin on the turn-based strategy set in a fantastical Lovecraftian world. - Save or Quit
If you like turn-based games, shootings and killing inhuman creatures, then this game is definitely worth a try! - 3rd Strike Gaming
…a fun and fast-paced strategy game with a great premise. - Defunct Games
Hear the advert from HP Podcraft on the release.
+ Podcast
Listen to our series of podcasts all about the game via your favourite podcast app!
- Episode 0: Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics - Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn
- Epiosde 1: Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics - The Birth of Cthulhu
- Episode 2: Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics - The Function Call of Cthulhu
- Epiosde 3: Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics - The Momentum of Cthulhu
- Season 4 Epiosde 5: A Potted History of Cthulhu Games
+ Preview and other information
Katie's Game Corner preview: Noted board game enthusiast and influencer Katie Aidley came into the Auroch offices recently to get a first impression of Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics. We went through the paper prototype used to design the game systems, which she loved! You can read more here.
Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics Playlist
Find all the best action from the game and others on YouTube here