Ogre’s released, the studio speaks, and why we’re already thinking about Christmas

It’s been one heck of a busy month for us! Where to begin...?

The release of Ogre went rather well. Most importantly, the team launched a solid game and then immediately began improving the experience based on user feedback. We always wanted to be completely transparent with the community of loyal fans Ogre has, so you can see the regularly updated patch notes here, which documents feature requests we’ve implemented, bugs squashed, and quality of life improvements made. Ogre is currently enjoying a 'Positive' review rating on Steam, which we’re thrilled with.

Steam, Humble, Green Man Gaming, and Gamersgate all supported the game, featuring Ogre on their front pages and social media channels. The title got into the New and Trending and Popular New Releases sections of Steam too which, again, was a fantastic result.

Press reception was largely positive from a good deal of outlets, with a smattering of mixed opinions too, which we pretty much expected. It was wonderful seeing screenshots and video of the game being featured on sites like Rock, Paper, Shotgun, PC Gamer, PCGamesInsider.biz, Bell of Lost Souls, and GamesRadar. We were also delighted to read that the original artist of Ogre - the mighty Winchell Chung - was a fan of how the game turned out.

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More generally at the studio, though no doubt thanks in part to our work on Ogre, we’ve been talking with B2B outlets about how we convert tabletop experiences into digital ones, and the process of making games in general.

You can see these interviews on leading publication Gamasutra, non-profit industry champion Creative England, and brilliantly supportive local outlet Bristol 24/7.

And as if we needed an excuse to talk more, we can confirm that we’ll be speaking at international games conference Games Forum 2018, which we’ll share more details about in the coming months.


Though it’s probably slightly too early for most to be thinking about mince pies and crackers, we’ve been hard at work creating a series of Cthulhu Christmas Cards, which we’ve just launched the crowdfunding campaign for on Kickstarter.

There’s loads of details about what they are, why we’re doing them, and so on on the Kickstarter page, but one neat thing some people have missed is that, since we’re games designers at heart, we’ve hidden a puzzle that runs through all six designs that come in the box.

If you’re a fan of all things Eldritch, it’s definitely worth a look and, hey, maybe you should follow us on Twitter and Facebook too, because who knows what other horrors we may have in-store in the near future…?


Auroch Digital

Marketing and Community Managment for Auroch Digital in Bristol, UK.

Ogre storms towards its release, revealing more about Dark Future, and a secret

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Since we last spoke, we’ve had a bit of a whirlwind of interest in our Ogre project with Steve Jackson Games. The Ogre community has been wonderfully supportive of the game ahead of its launch on Steam, and the reaction from the game at Gen Con 2017 was also overwhelming.

We’ve generated a bunch of press too, here’s a small sample of the outlets that have covered us so far;

As an independent developer, we’re always very grateful for the coverage we receive from the press, and we’re equally thrilled when we see streamers and YouTubers playing our games too, such as this first play of the preview version of the game from Nitebytes.

Our friends at Unity also seem to like what they see, as they championed the game on the front page of their Made with Unity site, which was a huge honour.

Ogre is out on October 5th, so there’s not long left until it launches on Steam, and we can’t wait to see the reaction from fans.

On other projects, things are equally exciting. Above you see perhaps the earliest piece of marketing material we’ve ever made! It’s a photo from one of our designers of a rough physical prototype he’s been working on of an unannounced digital title we’re working on. We won’t be announcing this one for a while yet, but we’d love to hear theories on what people think it might be...

Plus the Producer of Dark Future: Blood Red States took part in an impromptu AMA on Reddit recently. There’s all sorts of questions in there about how we create video games based on tabletop IPs, so take a look if you’ve ever wondered about how we work.


Auroch Digital

Marketing and Community Managment for Auroch Digital in Bristol, UK.

Ogre is coming soon to Steam, from Auroch Digital and Steve Jackson Games

We’ve been busy at work on our latest video game and its launch is almost here!

Ogre comes to Steam on October 5th, brought to you by Auroch and the legendary team at Steve Jackson Games. It’s a faithful digital adaptation of the award-winning Ogre tabletop game, which has captivated wargamers since the first edition back in 1977.

For more information about the game, and to add it to your Wishlist, head over to the Ogre Steam Store Page.

You can also watch the first trailer below;


Auroch Digital

Marketing and Community Managment for Auroch Digital in Bristol, UK.

Auroch nominated for "best place to work in tech" at The SPARKies Awards 2017

We’re thrilled to announce that we were nominated at the 2017 SPARKies Awards, in the category of “best place to work in tech”.

The SPARKies Awards brings together 300 of the South West’s brightest and boldest from the tech and digital community, for a night of championing the success stories from the region. Nominations are public, with just 15 awards up for grabs, of which our studio was nominated for the “best place to work in tech” category.

This award highlights the companies that have made their company culture a beacon for others to follow, so we were obviously over-the-moon to make the shortlist.

On the night we were pipped to the post for the top spot by Edo - a huge congratulations to our fellow Bristolians! - but just to be nominated for the awards is a huge honour, so a massive thank you to those who nominated us.

If being part of a studio recognised for its work environment sounds good to you, why not take a peek at our vacancies?


Auroch Digital

Marketing and Community Managment for Auroch Digital in Bristol, UK.

Auroch Digital presents Jack the Ripper: Shadow Over Whitechapel at the London Book Fair 2017

Our studio is pleased to announce it will be showing an in-progress version of its interactive documentary and virtual reality title Jack the Ripper: Shadow Over Whitechapel at London Book Fair 2017.

Click for more info

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Elections... covered in the Observer and Guardian!

"With the campaign over and the game suddenly looking a lot less silly, we're very pleased that it is still being covered, reviewed and played around the world."

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We talk about the future of gaming on a new podcast

Producer Peter Willington appears on Pete CB's Futures and Skills Podcast, talking about the future of gaming!

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Rock Paper Shotgun talks to us (and loads of other great developers) about recent Steam user review changes

Steam's recent change to its policies regarding user reviews has been a hot button topic as of late.

We spoke with Rock Paper Shotgun – along with a whole host of other fantastic studios - about how the changes have affected some of our games on Steam, which you can read all about here.

A huge thanks to Adam Smith for putting together such a well-rounded collection of opinions on the subject, it was fascinating to read how other developers have responded to these changes.


Auroch Digital

Marketing and Community Managment for Auroch Digital in Bristol, UK.

Auroch Digital's Peter Willington featured in Develop Magazine!

Auroch Digital's very own dynamo, Peter Willington, has this month been featured in Develop Magazine's August Edition!

Discussing the role of Producer within the games industry, Peter offers his extensive knowledge on what it takes to keep everyone working at their very best.

For his feature, click here.

Ever modest, Peter's expertise continues to help Auroch Digital grow and operate as efficiently as possible. 

Ever modest, Peter's expertise continues to help Auroch Digital grow and operate as efficiently as possible. 

You can also read the whole August edition here

For more from the man himself, you can find him on Twitter - @xeroxeroxero

We're adapting classic boardgame 'Ogre' in collaboration with Steve Jackson Games!

Ogre, the classic game of future tank warfare, will come to PC via Steam next year in a hex/turn-based digital adaptation! We're incredibly excited and proud to be working with Steve Jackson Games. 

Originally announced on Kickstarter, the project raised nearly a million dollars for its giant Designer’s Edition, and one of the stretch-goal promises was “We will do a computer game.” We are thrilled to announce that Auroch Digital will be creating this adaptation, as massive fans of the original game.

 Work on the project will begin immediately, and the game should be released in late 2017.

Auroch Digital Ltd. is the acclaimed and multiple award-nominated Bristol-based indie games studio, founded by veteran game designer Dr. Tomas Rawlings.

Steve Jackson Games publishes OgreMunchkinZombie DiceChez Geek, and a lot of other board and card games. Its big upcoming project is Car Wars on Kickstarter.

Auroch Digital: Follow on Twitter & Facebook or see Presskit.

Steve Jackson Games: www.sjgames.com/ogre. Rhea Friesen, rhea@sjgames.com.


Auroch Digital

Marketing and Community Managment for Auroch Digital in Bristol, UK.