Newsgame Offers Wry Commentary on Horse Meat Scandal
/BRISTOL, UK MARCH 4th, 2013: The creators of Endgame:Syria have turned their development attention to the ongoing horse-meat scandal in their latest release. In 'Cow Crusher' the player runs their own meat processing plant and must ensure that its output is 100% beef, in an irreverent comment on the speed and mechanisation of our food production process. Players need to hit the right button to squish the animal into the right meat product and keep the quality high; while making sure they don't process any horses in the works. Cow Crusher is the latest game by with the development taking around 3 days to create it's newest newsgame. GameTheNews's design and production director Tomas Rawlings commented, “Cow Crusher is part of an ongoing experiment into how games can play a role in news and current affairs and this time we've opted for a more fun approach to the topic.” The game is out now to play for free online as HTML5 and for Android devices via Google Play. GameTheNews became a global talking-point following the release of 'Endgame:Syria' a game covering the ongoing war. The developer says they are still “in process” with an Apple version of Endgame:Syria and also have another serious title in production themed around the War on Drugs in Mexico.

"As soon as I saw this game I had to get it, one; For the humor, and two; Because it actually looked like a great game with continuous playability and that’s just what it is!"