Grab your holy chainsword Space Marine, a Boltgun DLC is coming! 💥

Grab your holy chainsword Space Marine, a Boltgun DLC is coming!  💥

It’s been very hard to keep this one under wraps, but we’re excited to share that Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun will be getting a new DLC on June 18th for PlayStation, Xbox and PC! A Nintendo Switch version will also be released at a later date.

Prepare for a brand-new chapter of adrenaline-pumping shootout in the new Forges of Corruption DLC!

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Chainsaw Warrior Competition Results

Huge thanks to all who entered our Chainsaw Warrior video competition. We've had fun looking though the results and it's time to share those with you all. We're going to announce the winner and also two 'honorable mentions'. So without further a-do the winner is....

Robert Turner's Let's Try Chainsaw Warrior (Winner!) This totally captured the brutal difficulty of the game. When it was released as a solo boardgame in 1987, you didn't want to get it home and complete it on the first run. Hence the game was designed to be hard, damn hard... Robert's run shows that - after extensive preparation for the most dangerous mission of his life he meets one of the most dangerous monsters right at the offset - Meat Machine - and get's chewed up. Classic.

(We also recommend checking out Robert's channel too!)

Honorable Mention - Scott Grieg's Run #2 Part 2 This was a great run. A tough fought mission (part 1 is here) that shows the brutal and unending waves of enemies the game throws at you. Scott does a sterling job, in the spirit of Chainsaw Warrior, of taking on the challenge and it's hard going, but he's making progress until... the Slime. Dang.

Honorable Mention - JMich's Damned Suicide Agents Another tough fought run. Things are going well, progress is being made until we meet a tough Mutant Thing who proceed to chew up poor CW while dosing him with radiation. Before long there is too much damage done and either accidentally or deliberately (??!) John activates the explosive vest and boom! No more mutant thing but Darkness is still out there...


We hope you enjoy the results as much as we did. Thanks again all for entering! If you want to have a go yourself, Chainsaw Warrior is out on Steam, iOS and Android. You can also sign up for the mailing list too (as there is much more good news on the way!)

Copy of Classic 1987 Board Game 'Chainsaw Warrior' Up for Grabs for 'Best Playthrough'

The developers of Games Workshop's classic board game 'Chainsaw Warrior' for Steam, iOS and Android announced that they have a copy of the rare original game plus the expansion cards from White Dwarf issue 88 up for grabs. The game was originally released in its physical form back in 1987 and is a classic piece of gaming history – a rare solo board game which pitted the player against the clock.

The digital version was released last year creating excitement and nostalgia with fans who fondly remembered playing it as well as converting new fans to the title. In 'Chainsaw Warrior' the player takes on the role of a cybernetic soldier as he attempts to save New York from dire peril – and in only 60 minutes. The original was noted for its challenging solo gameplay – an aspect that has been preserved in the digital version.

To win a copy of the game, players need to record a play session and submit a video link to the developers via gtn at aurochdigital dot com – the best submitted run-through of the game (on any platform) will win the prize. The developers will be marking on score, style and aggression as Auroch Digital's Tomas Rawlings explains, “Chainsaw Warrior is a battle against the odds; not only is time against you but also hordes of zombies, mutants and others creatures – plus there are traps, radiation and poison to content with. We'd love to see your choice play-throughs showing how you defeat Darkness and if it's the best of the best, we'll be sending you a copy of the original game, a real collectors’ item!” Entries need to be submitted by 17th August to be considered.

To celebrate the competition, Chainsaw Warrior is on sale for a short period (Steam, Apple App Store, Google Play). To keep in the loop with the project you can like Auroch Digital on Facebook or follow them on Twitter. The game's information page can be found at and there is a new Reddit forum for the game at:

Time go get moving as you only have 60 minutes to save New York! #ChainsawWarrior

Chainsaw Warrior Rips onto Steam

7th October 2013, Bristol, UK: Games Workshop's classic boardgame 'Chainsaw Warrior' launches today on PC via Steam with other PC stores to follow soon. The game was originally released in its physical form back in 1987 and has been recreated as a PC title by Bristol based indie developer, Auroch Digital.


The PC version was announced back in July and it caused excitement and nostalgia with fans who fondly remembered playing it and interest in those new to the game. In 'Chainsaw Warrior' the player takes on the role of the eponymous cybernetic soldier as he attempts against all odds, to save New York from dire peril. The city is under threat from the twisted forces spewing forth from a strange spatial rift which has opened up in the heart of New York. This extreme warping power is attempting to rip the city from this reality into its parallel nightmare realm.

The original was noted for its challenging solo gameplay – an aspect that has been preserved in the version as Auroch Digital's Design & Production Director, Tomas Rawlings notes: "When I first played this game in the '80s, I knew of its reputation as a seriously challenging game and that's why I wanted to take it on, to win where others had failed. We've kept that level of challenge and added to it in this version that both references the original styling and refreshes it for PC.”

The Steam version of the game comes with Steam achievements, a new leaderboard system and exclusive Steam trading cards.

‘It’s wonderful to see this great game re-worked for today’s platforms’ said Jon Gillard, GW Head of Licensing ‘I can’t wait to get my pistol grip chainsaw revved up and stuck into some zombies’.

The game launched on iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch,Google Play and Amazon Appstore for Android to an enthusiastic fan reception and is expected to follow suit on PC. The game is out on Steam for $4.99/€4.99/£3.99 To keep in the loop with the project you can like Auroch Digital on Facebook or follow them onTwitter. The game's information page can be found at

Time go get moving as you only have 60 minutes to save New York! #ChainsawWarrior

Coverage so far:

Chainsaw Warrior Launches on Mobile

23rd September 2013, Bristol, UK: The classic boardgame 'Chainsaw Warrior' first published by Games Workshop in 1987 and converted into a digital title by Auroch Digital launches today on iPhone, iPad & iPod Touch and follows on Samsung Samsung Devices via Chillingo's 100% Indie later this week. (Update: Also now on Google Play & Amazon Apps)

Announced in July, it caused excitement with those new to the game interested in discovering a classic, and nostalgia with fans who fondly remembered playing it. The game sees players trying to save New York from dire peril as twisted forces spewing from a spatial rift attempt to rip the city from this reality into theirs. The fate of the city rests solely in the hands of a lone cybernetic solider known as the 'Chainsaw Warrior'. As the eponymous hero, the player must battle through a zombie infested Manhattan tenement in order to locate the controlling intelligence behind the dark army swarming from the spatial rift. The game was renowned as a tough challenge and this new version remains so.

The digital version of the game has been created by Bristol based indie developer Auroch Digital. Auroch Digital's Design & Production Director, Tomas Rawlings announced the release: "We're really pleased with what we’ve created. The team has done an amazing job in creating a brilliant mix of the best of the boardgame with the possibilities of digital. I feel it’s both a fresh and nostalgic take on a classic game. We hope our fellow gamers enjoy facing the thrilling challenge of trying to save New York. Not all will succeed!”

“It’s wonderful to see this great game re-worked for today’s platforms,” said Jon Gillard, GW Head of Licensing ‘I can’t wait to get my pistol grip chainsaw revved up and stuck into some zombies.”

"It’s always great when a game comes to Samsung Apps as an exclusive,” says 100% Indie co-founder Chris Byatte, “but when it’s got such a dynamic legacy as Chainsaw Warrior, it’s especially exciting. We’re all classic gamers here, and to see important titles like this reborn through the smartphone platforms for a new generation of players is one of the reasons we love working in this dynamic industry."

The game is out on iPad, iPhone for $4.99/€3.99/£2.99 and follows on Samsung Samsung Devices via Chillingo's 100% Indie later this week at the same price point. A wider Android, PC and Mac release is set to follow soon after. To keep in the loop with the project you can like Auroch Digital on Facebook or follow them onTwitter. The game's information page can be found at

Time go get moving as you only have #60mins to save New York!

Chainsaw Warrior screenshot (iOS)

Games Workshop's 80s Classic Chainsaw Warrior is Back

Chainsaw Warrior Main Image

22nd July, 2013, Bristol, UK: The seminal hit board game Chainsaw Warrior, made by Games Workshop back in 1987 is set to return this year in a digital form. The original 80s game was a notable rarity in that it was a solo board game that pitted the player not against others but against the clock. The game saw New York balancing on the precipice of darkness as twisted forces from another reality attempted to rip the city from this world into theirs. Standing between them and the destruction of the city was a lone figure, the brutal and mysterious Chainsaw Warrior. As the eponymous hero, the player had to delve into a zombie infested New York tenement to locate the source of the evil spewing through the spatial rift and destroy it before he was destroyed. The game is being created by Bristol based indie developer Auroch Digital for mobile and desktop platforms.

Auroch Digital's Design & Production Director, Tomas Rawlings explained why they are resurrecting this mutant and zombie infested classic; "It's a game I played as a kid and loved. I see it as the pre-cursor of First Person Shooters when video games technology could not really do the first person or the shooting. For me this is not only a great game, but a classic of board game design - a solo shooter that really challenges the player. When we spoke to Games Workshop about developing a game this was the top of my list. I loved the 80s style of the game and we've kept much of that in our design as well as faithfully translating the gameplay. Don't expect to win the game easily. This was the Dark Souls or Super Meat Boy of its day. Players didn't want to buy the game and run out of challenge at first play. The game has many ways to kill you and is unafraid to use them - which makes it all the sweeter when you finally win."

As well as its challenge, it also flies in the face of current trends in social aspects in games. Chainsaw Warrior is firmly an individual experience, Rawlings explains, "This is about you against the tide of darkness. Chainsaw Warrior is the last hope for the city and time is running out. Ultimately I wanted to make this game because it is one that needs to be brought to digital with all guns blazing and chainsaw-blades revving, and that is what we're going to do!”

“Chainsaw Warrior is a classic fantasy solo board game experience that established itself as one of Games Workshop’s best sellers from that era of our history” said Jon Gillard, Games Workshop’s Head of Licensing. “It was actually the first game I bought when I joined the company, and like many other enthusiastic gamers, I enjoyed playing it for years. We can’t wait to see it being brought to a whole new generation of digital gamers who can enjoy the dramatic struggle against seemingly unwinnable odds, as well as the remorseless ticking of the clock.”

The game is due to release on iPad, iPhone and Android at the end of summer at a price point and date to be announced soon. The PC and Mac versions will follow soon after. To keep in the loop with the project you can like Auroch Digital on Facebook or follow them on Twitter. The game's information page can be found at

News coverage of this includes:

Our favourite tweet about the game so far!