Wellcome Trust Panel a Success!

A big thanks to our panellists and all who took part in the Develop 2001 panel discussion and who helped to make the event a great success.  Here is a description of the event from Tomas's blog:

Then was the session I was part of for the Wellcome Trust.  I’d say it was the most eclectic line-up at Develop this year from a neuroscientist (Demis Hassabis) to a new start-up doing 3D printing (Alice Taylor) to mainstream games development (from Jez Harris).  I think it went well, at least the panel did a great job of talking about serious stuff like fun, death, sex and drugs. Paul Canty from Preloaded showed off their fascinating new game for Channel 4, that looks at death; The End.  Demis also gave us some great insight from a scientific perspective on games development saying that games (and digital media) are rewiring our brains in some ways and that the data that can now be gathered from games and gaming can offer insights into not only how to make better (scarier!) games, but also into how our brains work.  Notes on the Wellcome Trust’s funding for making games is here.

It was also independently reviewed by another blogger (our emphasis):

Next stop was a business seminar (I tried to mix up the tracks I attended) entitled “Money for Good Games”. With the support of the Wellcome Trust (a charitable organisation who offer to fund the development of games with a biomedical theme), an impressive panel chaired by Tom Rawlings comprised of Alice Taylor, Dr Demis Hassabis, Jez Harris and Paul Canty discussed the use of games in the wider world in such fields as education, medicine, mental health and death. However, let’s not forget about the aspect of fun in video games. Indeed, Alice Taylor was keen to emphasise the importance of fun in educational games and beyond, saying: “If you’re bored, you’re not learning”, as well positing that Facebook games such as Farmville were “training wheels for real games”, these often causing players to seek out other, more meaty video game fare in the future. It was also interesting to find out that, according to research, 52% of players think of moral and ethical questions during play… so perhaps people really do care when they’re hurling their villagers to their deaths in Black & White (one of Demis’s past projects). Additionally, some research done for the BBC in 2005 allegedly revealed an almost 50/50 gender split in gaming, the latter statistic arguably quite contrary to the usual assumption of all gamers being male.

Develop Panel for The Wellcome Trust

We're helping to put together an amazing panel of people to talk about games at this year's Develop Conference. Here is a summary of the information:

The Develop Conference is the UK’s main event for games development. This year, the Wellcome Trust is hosting a panel discussion that brings together fascinating voices from in and around industry. There’s also the chance for games developers to find out more about how to get funding for projects around a biomedical theme.

The event looks at the impact of games beyond the console and runs on Wednesday 20th July (11am-12pm)On the panel we have the outgoing Channel 4 Commissioning Editor for Education and founder of MakielabAlice Taylor, along with Demis Hassabis, a Sir Henry Wellcome Postdoctoral Fellow who, before becoming a neuroscientist, made a splash in the games industry with games like the BAFTA-nominated Republic: The Revolution. Joining them are Phil Stuart of the multi-award winning Preloaded, and Jez Harris, an industry veteran whose works include Buzz! and the Harry Potter games. The panel is chaired by myself, Tomas Rawlings, games consultant for the Wellcome Trust.

After the discussion, a number of Wellcome Trust staff will be around to chat with developers about how they may be able to access Trust funding to create games. We have a number of schemes for funding games with a biomedical theme (please note the Trust’s engagement around biomedical sciences is predominately aimed at UK audiences).

Our Broadcast Development Awards offer up to £10,000 to a developer with an unsigned project idea, allowing them to develop it up to a state at which a publisher may fund the full title.

We also offer funds to create complete games too: the People Awards scheme offers up to £30,000 to small development studios to explore an aspect of biomedicine in an interactive or game form – particularly if the studio partners with a scientist or science institution.

Another option is the Society Awards, which offer grants of more than £30,000 for developers, again especially if partnered with a scientist or science institution. This is intended for those who wish to explore and engage society at large with an issue in biomedical science.

Funded projects for any of these schemes can take the form of virtual engagement such as via social games, websites, mobiles technology, casual games, ARGs (Augmented Reality Games) and the like, or be based around a physical location.

So for any developers at the conference, do come along to the session on Wednesday 20th July to find out more and talk to us. We may be able to work together to create great games that can inform, educate and engage.

Auroch's Tomas Rawlings' New Game Studio Launches

I'm really excited to say that our new game studio - 

Red Wasp Design

 - has officially launched today and we've announced our first project, which is in development as I write this.  Red Wasp Design is a new Bristol-based micro studio and our first title is a game based on the cult Call of Cthulhu RPG (role-playing game).  Why not follow us on 




?  This is from the initial press release.

An agreement between Call of Cthulhu impresarios, Chaosium and new development studio Red Wasp Design will see the award winning role-playing game (RPG), Call of Cthulhu, coming to a mobile platform near you. The first title, 'Call of Cthulhu: The Wasted Land' is set in the midst of World War One and pits a team of investigators and soldiers against an ancient enemy, older than humanity itself. This eldritch enemy is using the carnage of the great war to build an undead army amidst the battlefields of Europe. The game will be a 3D turn-based strategy/role playing game and will initially launch on iPhone and Android with more platforms to follow. As the game is still in development, release dates and price points are to be announced after the summer.

Call of Cthulhu was originally the title of a novella by cult horror writer H.P. Lovecraft which has, since it was published in 1928, captured the imagination of generation after generation of fans.

Op-Ed on Gamezebo

Tomas has an opinion editorial on the gamesite Gamezebo:

It is a busy time for new consoles. This spring saw the launch of Nintendo’s new games console, the 3DS. Nintendo has just announced that a successor to the Wii is due soon, too. We’ve also had the news recently of Sony’s PSP follow-up, currently codenamed NGP, or Next Generation Portable. ...

But the world the 3DS was born into is not the world that the DS knew. This is the post-iPhone world, and all the rules of the game have changed. The question is not so much who will win between the 3DS and the NGP, but can either of them stay relevant in a world dominated by the mobile phone? I’m not sure they can.

The Future of Gaming in 2011

Auroch Digital's Tomas Rawlings takes a look at what the future holds for gaming in 2011:

Transmedia is the idea of a media experience that transcends one platform. More often than not it is the story that lives across different media forms. I don’t just mean say a PS3 port of a PC game, but a game that offers a PS3 experience and a PC experience that together combine to make something even bigger. This can be cross-media too; so games into TV, films into books. Again to be truly Transmedia, the experience has to be extended and built upon and not just mirrored. This idea has been around for some time now, but this year I think we’ll see it really start to grow. So take the example of Deus Ex Human Revolution – where the story exists in the game and in a novel

To read the full article, click here.

£30,000 People Award for Interesting Games Ideas

Auroch Digital is working with the Wellcome Trust and TIGA (the Independent Game Developers Association) to promote the Wellcome Trust's people awards - which are great news and a good opportunity if you are a small development studio looking to do something different:

People Award £30K Grants available for small games projects that explore the impact of biomedical science.

The Wellcome Trust, the second largest charitable foundation in the world, has a small grants scheme that enables you to explore the impact of biomedical science on society, its historical roots, effects on different cultures, or the ethical questions that it brings. Games are a great platform for exploring these issues and we invite proposals using this medium as we're interested in what ideas you may have. The project aims to encourage people of all ages and from all walks of life to consider, question and debate the key issues of now and the future. We want people to be informed, inspired and involved. The People Awards support projects that aim to achieve at least one of the following:

* stimulate interest, excitement and debate about biomedical science through various methods * support formal and informal learning about biomedical science * reach new audiences not normally engaged with biomedical science, as well as continuing to target existing audiences * examine the social, cultural, historical and ethical impact of biomedical science * encourage new ways of thinking about biomedical science * encourage high quality interdisciplinary practice and collaborative partnerships * investigate and test new methods of engagement, participation and education.

Applicants can apply for up to £30 000, for projects lasting a maximum of three years.

Organisations might include: museums and other cultural attractions; arts agencies; production companies; broadcast media; schools; local education authorities; universities and colleges; youth clubs; community groups; research institutes; the NHS; and science centres.

Partnership projects (between different people and organisations, e.g. scientists and ethicists, educators and artists) are welcomed. It is suggested that a possible approach is to find an organisation (e.g. science centre, museum, NHS trust, educational establishment, research department etc) and/or a scientist/s currently working in biomedical areas - then submit a joint proposal to make a game and/or interactive project. We would expect the resulting project to be distributed for free.

Please note: Standard health education and promotion projects, or projects dealing purely with non-biomedical sciences, are not eligible. In addition applicants must be based in the UK or the Republic of Ireland and the activity must take place in the UK or the Republic of Ireland. Finally, applicants need to have enough experience to demonstrate that they can deliver the project to a high standard. Deadlines:

* 29th October 2010 * 28th January 2011

There is more information including applications forms, lists of past applications etc online: http://bit.ly/peopleaward

Any questions and queries can be directed to; people@wellcome.ac.uk - however please check the website for answer before emailing questions to us.

Auroch Digital @ the Pervasive Media Studio, Bristol

Tomas writes:

We're now working on a couple of interesting projects I hope to be able to blog about very soon. I'm going to be based some of the time (and other times in London...) at the PM (PM as in Pervasive Media) Studio in Bristol's harbourside.

There are lots of interesting people and projects going on there and when I chatted to them about office space I was really impressed with the vibe around collaboration being the key there. As a resident you have to aggregate your skills into the pool. Looking forward to a swim there...

Welcome to Digitality! Welcome to Interaction!

Welcome to Auroch Digital!  We're a new company offering consultancy, project management and gameplay evaluation services.  There is much more about us and who we are and what we do here. We look forward to working with you!

In the meantime... here is a video of Auroch Digital's Tomas Rawlings giving a walk-through of the recent top selling Star Wars: The Battle for Hoth game on iPhone he designed...